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is a quickly growing text and voice chat application, aimed at gamers in particular. Its sleek and simple design makes it an excellent alternative to older apps like Teamspeak and Skype. Discord has taken a lot of inspiration from Teamspeak’s extensive customization and management options but has buried some of those options within the interface. Luckily, it’s pretty simple to get started.

是一个快速增长的文本和语音聊天应用程序,尤其针对游戏玩家。 其时尚而简单的设计使其成为Teamspeak和Skype等旧版应用程序的绝佳替代品。 Discord从Teamspeak广泛的自定义和管理选项中汲取了很多灵感,但已将其中一些选项嵌入了界面中。 幸运的是,开始非常简单。

如何创建Discord服务器? (How Do I Create a Discord Server?)

Creating a Discord server is straightforward. First, you’ll need to either (Windows, macOS, Linux, iOS, or Android) or open the Discord web interface. Either way, you’ll need to create a free user account to get going. So go ahead and do all that first.

创建Discord服务器非常简单。 首先,您需要 (Windows,macOS,Linux,iOS或Android)或打开Discord Web界面。 无论哪种方式,您都需要创建一个免费的用户帐户才能开始。 因此,请先进行所有操作。

When you first open Discord and sign in, you’ll be asked if you want to create or join a server. If you already use discord and have skipped this initial screen, you can create a new server by clicking the large plus button in the Discord interface.

首次打开Discord并登录时,系统会询问您是否要创建或加入服务器。 如果您已经使用discord并跳过了此初始屏幕,则可以通过在Discord界面中单击大号加号按钮来创建新服务器。

Either way, you’ll see the same screen. Click the “Create a Server” button to create a new server.

无论哪种方式,您都会看到相同的屏幕。 单击“创建服务器”按钮以创建新服务器。

Give your server a name, choose a different region if it didn’t correctly detect yours, and then click the “Create” button.


Your new server is created, and you’re automatically connected to it. Select your new server on the left and then click the drop-down arrow next to its name to see options for inviting friends, changing server settings, creating channels, and more.

新服务器已创建,并自动连接到该服务器。 在左侧选择新服务器,然后单击其名称旁边的下拉箭头以查看邀请朋友,更改服务器设置,创建频道等选项。

设置用户角色以使权限更易于管理 (Set Up User Roles to Make Permissions Easier to Manage)

Roles in Discord give users specific permissions. You could, for example, create a role for moderators and give that role the ability to ban users and delete messages. Any users you assign to that role would inherit those permissions. Using roles saves you from having to assign permissions to every user. You could also use roles to do something as simple as giving your friends a cool rank and color.

Discord中的角色为用户提供特定的权限。 例如,您可以为主持人创建角色,并为该角色提供禁止用户和删除邮件的功能。 您分配给该角色的任何用户都将继承这些权限。 使用角色使您不必为每个用户分配权限。 您还可以使用角色来做一些简单的事情,例如给您的朋友一个冷静的排名和肤色。

To manage roles, open the server settings and click the “Roles” category on the left. You can add new roles by clicking the little plus button to the side of the “Roles” title on the page. Select a role to manage the permissions. There’s a long list of permissions, but the important ones deal with the abilities to manage the server by creating new channels or roles, manage users by banning or deleting messages, and move users in and out of voice chat. There’s also an Administrator role, which gives every permission except server-owner-specific ones (like deleting the server, for example).

要管理角色,请打开服务器设置,然后单击左侧的“角色”类别。 您可以通过单击页面上“角色”标题旁边的小加号按钮来添加新角色。 选择一个角色来管理权限。 权限列表很长,但是重要的权限具有以下能力:创建新的频道或角色来管理服务器,通过禁止或删除消息来管理用户以及将用户移入或移出语音聊天。 还有一个管理员角色,该角色授予除服务器所有者特定的权限(例如,删除服务器)以外的所有权限。

The first setting—“Display role members separately”—will make people in that role show up in their own category in the Users panel. You can do some neat tricks by leaving this setting turned off for certain roles. For example, if you have a bunch of admins, but want to make yourself a different color, you can make a new role and put it above admin, but leave that option off so that it won’t create a whole new category.

第一个设置“分别显示角色成员”将使该角色的人显示在“用户”面板中自己的类别中。 您可以通过关闭某些角色的此设置来完成一些巧妙的操作。 例如,如果您有很多管理员,但想使自己成为不同的颜色,则可以创建一个新角色并将其置于admin之上,但不要选择该选项,这样就不会创建一个全新的类别。

Here, we’ve created a “Cool Color” role and assigned it a color.


Now, any user assigned to the “Cool Color” role will be displayed in blue.


You can also use this trick with permissions. For example, you could make a “Server Administrator” role with the Administrator permission, and give it out selectively instead of giving it to everyone.

您也可以在权限下使用此技巧。 例如,您可以在具有管理员权限的情况下充当“服务器管理员”角色,然后有选择地将其分发出去,而不是将其分发给所有人。

Once you’re done setting up the roles you want to use, you can assign users to those roles by right-clicking their name and enabling the appropriate box on the “Roles” menu.


If you have a particularly large server, you can search for people under the “Members” tab in the settings panel, so you don’t have to scroll down the list or @ them.


如何组织渠道? (How Do I Organize Channels?)

Each channel on your server is organized into categories. To create a new channel or category, right-click anywhere in the channel pane and click either the “Create Channel” or “Create Category” command.

服务器上的每个渠道都分为几类。 要创建新频道或类别,请右键单击频道窗格中的任意位置,然后单击“创建频道”或“创建类别”命令。

When you create a channel, give it a name and choose whether it should be a text or voice channel. Channel names cannot contain spaces (typing a space just creates a hyphen) or capital letters.

创建频道时,请为其命名并选择是文字还是语音频道。 频道名称不能包含空格(键入空格只会创建连字符)或大写字母。

When you create a category, all you have to do is give it a name. Category names can contain spaces, and while you can type capital and lowercase letters, they end up displaying in all caps no matter what.

创建类别时,只需给它命名。 类别名称可以包含空格,尽管您可以输入大写和小写字母,但无论如何,它们最终都以大写字母显示。

Channels also have their own channel-specific permissions, which you can access by clicking the gear next to a channel. These permissions default to sync with the category to which the channel belongs, but if you change them, they’ll stay that way until you sync again.

频道还具有自己的特定于频道的权限,您可以通过单击频道旁边的齿轮来访问这些权限。 这些权限默认情况下与频道所属的类别同步,但是如果您更改它们,它们将保持这种状态,直到您再次同步。

You can also make categories and channels private. When you go to create a channel, just select “Private Channel” and then enables the roles you want to be able to access the channel.

您还可以将类别和频道设为私有。 当您创建频道时,只需选择“私人频道”,然后启用您想要的角色即可访问该频道。

If you want only to add a few people to the channel, it’s best to make a new role for that channel, and then add users to that role.


避免滥用 (Avoiding Abuse)

With large discord servers, you need to take a few precautions when assigning roles and channels. For example, if you’ve created a private channel and a new role for it, but that role is below another role with “Manage Roles” turned on, people in that role can give themselves the new private role and access your channel. There’s a lot of other cases like this too, so here are some guidelines to follow:

对于大型不和谐服务器,分配角色和通道时需要采取一些预防措施。 例如,如果您创建了一个私人频道并为其创建了一个新角色,但是该角色在另一个角色下且启用了“管理角色”,则该角色中的人员可以为自己赋予新的私人角色并访问您的频道。 还有很多其他这样的情况,因此这里要遵循一些准则:

  • All channel specific roles should be above the highest administrative role.

  • Custom color roles placed above admin will give those admins the ability to make new admins, since they’re higher than admin, technically.

  • “Manage Channels” also gives people the ability to delete channels, deleting all the messages in the process. Because of this, you should probably not assign this permission out too much. The same is true for Administrator.

    “管理频道”还使人们能够删除频道,删除过程中的所有消息。 因此,您可能不应过多地分配此权限。 管理员也是如此。
  • In read-only channels, members can still add reactions with emoji. Because there’s a whole alphabet of emoji, people can spell out things in reaction to your messages. You can’t delete these, so if you have a problem with people spelling out things they shouldn’t, you can turn that ability off under @everyone in the channel-specific settings. You can also hover over the reactions to see who placed them there.

    在只读频道中,成员仍可以使用表情符号添加React。 因为有一个完整的表情符号字母,所以人们可以根据您的消息拼写出一些东西。 您无法删除这些功能,因此,如果人们在拼写他们不应该使用的内容时遇到问题,可以在特定于频道的设置中的@everyone下关闭该功能。 您还可以将鼠标悬停在React上,以查看是谁将它们放置在那里。
  • If you have rogue admins, the “Audit Log” under the server settings keeps track of all administrative actions, such as deleting messages or banning users. This way you can track down who’s causing problems and remove them.

    如果您有恶意管理员,则服务器设置下的“审核日志”会跟踪所有管理操作,例如删除邮件或禁止用户。 这样,您就可以找出导致问题的原因并将其消除。
  • If you have a problem with outside spam, you can set the auto-mod level under “Moderation” in the settings. This requires new users to verify their email or be an active discord user before joining.

    如果您对外部垃圾邮件有疑问,可以在设置的“审核”下设置自动修改级别。 这要求新用户在加入之前验证其电子邮件或成为活跃的不和谐用户。

If you really need help moderating, there are a couple of bots you can add that will help. is my personal favorite, with it’s nice web dashboard and ranking system, and works nicely as well. You can browse other discord bots .

如果您确实需要帮助审核,可以添加一些机器人,它们将对您有所帮助。 是我个人最喜欢的,它具有的Web仪表板和排名系统, 可以很好地工作。 您可以浏览其他discord bots 。




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